My Thinking Style and Learning

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thinking Style

Concrete Sequential Thinkers tend to be based in reality. They process information in an ordered, sequential, linear way.

This is what I got for the personal thinking style quiz. Even though I took this quiz three weeks ago, it wasn't until this week I realized that is true - the most effective learning style for me is learning on my own at my own pace and then working with others. I always thought I was better learning on my own - after all I passed all my classes on my own because I ditched so much in college. So in college, I typically avoided voluntary group assignments and study groups. However, this week I learned so much talking to Amadou in one hour compared to the first half of the week. Man, that man is a great teacher. It also helped working with Andrew side-by-side (he's my neigbor and good friend irl) that I learned more as I explained things to him.

The one thing I really need is structure. Without structure, I feel lost and overwhelmed. When I solve problems, I tried to see if there is a pattern in structure. I think it's from taking so many calculus math classes (why the hell am I not better at this then?!).

Fixed Mindset - Struggling & Giving Up

Man, this week was tough. I couldn't believe how much I was struggling with what seemed like a relatively simple iteration (or is reclursion?! I don't know!) problem. My worries started snowballing until it became this emotional avalanche. I was so worried that if I couldn't even get the basics of Ruby, how the hell am I going to succeed in DBC, next week's Ruby challenges that build on this week's basics, as a developer?

Growth Mindset - Struggling is Learning

Today I realized that it is okay, I am still learning everything. I also realized just because I am terrible with the control flow problems, it doesn't mean I don't understand other things in Ruby. I mean yeah it sucks that I don't know as much as other students and that I may be struggling more than most of them, but I am making progress, little by little. I am trying, which is way better than me not trying/caring during high school and college. I am utilizing Office Hours, soliciting help from other Squirrels, and using different resources like Treehouse video tutorials. I use up every free minute to study, including washing dishes while watching Treehouse videos. Also, it feels so good to successfully overcome a hurdle.

Let's see how Week 4 goes. I am worried, but I think at this point, I need to just get used to it, celebrate small victories, and SUCK IT UP!